I Kid You Not…: History And The Goyim – The Nations i.e. The Non-Jews

22 April 2010

By Reverend Mark Glenn

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace...I did not come to bring peace, but the sword'--Jesus of Nazareth

"...But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, saying "Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages." He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it...Book of John, Ch 12

The fog it produced in my head was so thick you could cut it with a knife, to the point that the only thing coming to mind as I read it was that line from the book of Jeremiah, where–right before being stoned to death for refusing to bow down and kiss their holier-than-thou asses as they have always demanded (and even from God Himself)–the self-hating Jew instead calls a spade a spade in terms of his fellow countrymen and their behavior with–

“…The leaders dress the wound of Israel as though it were not serious, and yet, are the people of Israel ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all…They do not even know how to blush…”

That’s the word–“shameless”–pervading my thoughts as I read the piece.

The outrage du jour? There are so many to choose from these days, but the one I thought worth mentioning was this one–

“Israeli Leftist Groups May be Violating US Law” written by one Maayana Miskin and appearing on the ultra-nut job website www.israelnationalnews.com.

Being for the most part full-blown in their organic Jewish insanity, nevertheless the shrunken-head types who write for and manage the Arutz Sheva (www.israelnationalnews.com) website have set a new record here in terms of–what was that word again? Oh yeah–“shamelessness”–in their coverage. Like the star attraction at a freak show not the least bit bothered by engaging in the unthinkable and how they appear to the rest of the world, the creatures associated with this venture–as those familiar with the site know all too well–have never shied away from the truly outrageous, and this latest one is certainly no exception.

Behold, I give the jury “exhibit A” as yet one more testimony in a mountain of similar items revealing the fact that madness truly reigns in the minds of today’s self-Chosenites. The article in question details how some from amongst them have suddenly “found Jesus” with regards to US law being broken (in particular the Foreign Agents Registration Act, FARA) and which reads in part–

“Two of Israel’s largest extreme-left organizations, B’Tselem and Peace Now, have been accused of potentially violating United States law by acting illegally as foreign agents. The U.S. Department of Justice has been informed of the accusations, and is looking into the matter.”

Yes, I kid you not. They actually expect the rest of the sane world to visualize and believe the PURE FICTION that even a microbe in one of these individuals lays awake at night worrying about US law pertaining to foreign influence being broken. Well, what more can be said other than Hollywood must indeed be something that runs in their blood like some incurable virus…

Just to put all this in its proper perspective in terms of–what was that word again? Oh yes–SHAMELESS–let us take a short stroll down memory lane for a moment. This IS the same outfit that has made a saint out of Jonathon Pollard (the Jewish spy who stole 1,000,000 highly-classified USGOV documents and sold them to Israel who then turned around and sold them to America’s sworn, mortal enemy at the time, the USSR) and his treason, characterizing both as “noble” while regularly demanding his release from US prison. This is also the same outfit that set new decibel-level records a’ la shrieking and screeching over the fact that the top 2 cockroaches at AIPAC being brought up on charges of espionage and that regularly characterizes the US Justice Department as an extension of Hitler’s Germany for daring to root out the nest of spies operating in the US on behalf of the Jewish state.

And on and on and on. But now SUDDENLY, LIKE MOSES PARTING THE RED SEA a miracle has happened and as far as these Jewish interests are concerned it’s time to get serious about foreign influence in America and DEAR GOD ALMIGHTY, WE NEED TO ENFORCE FARA.

For the benefit of those from the sane world who may be new to this whole thing, l’me explain–The thing that’s got their holy underwear in a knot is the fact that their opponents on the left side of the Jewish spectrum, meaning the aforementioned B’Tselem and Peace Now dare to view non-Jews as–hold on to your seat here–HUMAN BEINGS. You see, going by the book, and by that I mean Pt I (the Torah) & PT II (the Talmud) only Jews are human. Furthermore, given the fact that God’s word is eternal and unchanging and that He was clear in his command that His holy people exterminate every single living thing in the Holy Land, (except the little girls who were still virgins who could be spared) that means that in the minds of these holy headcases there is only way of doing things in the area viz-a-viz the Arabs, and we can see what that has been now for the last half century.

Not that we should be particularly surprised to see such double mindedness coming out of an outfit such as Arutz Sheva. After all, it was this very same news outfit that–after shouting down those alleging that the present wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were engineered by Jewish interests then went on to publish a piece entitled “This War Is For Us” written by one Ariel Natan Pasko that not only agreed with the premise that this was a war for Jewry, but bragged about it saying in part–

“…We already knew that this war is for us – i.e., the Jews and Israel. Our sages throughout the ages have explained the Torah, telling us that everything that happens in the world is for the benefit of the Jewish People.

Simply put another way, if all the world is a stage, then the Jews – and especially those in the Land of Israel – are the lead actors on the stage of history, and the goyim – the nations, i.e. the gentiles – have supporting roles, while the evil-doers are props and background scenery. As our tradition states, G-D – the great playwright – created the world for the sake of the Jewish People, and it is our responsibility to implement the Torah – absolute morality and the blueprint of creation – in it.

As I said earlier, of course this war is for the Jews and Israel, and instead of hiding from the accusation, or crying, “anti-Semitic slur”, we should gratefully acknowledge what the Master of the Universe is doing to our enemies for us.”

As much as some amongst us may be tempted to laugh, we probably should not. As much as indeed they are the main characters in a freak show, nevertheless they are not fictional characters in a Stephen King novel, but rather masters of the universe with several hundred nuclear weapons at their disposal to dispose of the rest of us and our world any way they see fit and at any time and will do so–what’s was that word again? Oh yeah–shamelessly.





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