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Nigerian Islamic Organizations And Societies:

Nigerian Mosques:-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Nigerian Islamic Organizations And Societies:-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Nigerian Muslim Schools And Colleges:-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Nigerian Muslim Own Businesses And Enterprises:-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Islamic Organizations And Services :: الجمعيات الإسلامية والخدمات

a  Abubakar Siddiq Islamic Foundation >> العنوان / Address: Abubakar Siddiq Islamic Foundation Briget kano city, Kano, Kano 123, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 080-25351851 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: harunaumaru1@yahooo.cm [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Abdul Rahman Islamic Foundation >> العنوان / Address: Abdul Rahman Islamic Foundation Gbonogun junction Odo Eran Obantoko Abeokuta, Lagos, Ogun State 234, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 080 25295907 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: abiodun20032003@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: From Lagos board bus to Abeokuta Ogun State.From Abeokuta board taxi to Odo Eran Obantoko and stop at Gbonogun Junction.The Abdul Rahman Islamic Foundation is by your right cross the road to the right المعلومات العامّة / General Information: The organisation provides lots of services ;prominent among the services is the library service open for Muslims and non Muslims use. A computer training opportunity is also available. The Foundation assits Muslims to set up their own businesses. It provide support for other islamic organisations to realise their dreams provided the dream is in line with the Quran and Sunnah. A weekly news publication on local and international events as they affect Muslims is also published by the Foundation.The name of the publication is JIHADWATCH. نشاطات / Activities: 8 : 00 am-6 : 00 pm: Sunday To Monda, Official Duty, shceduled programs النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: Quaterly seminar is organised for school students .Serving as a means of getogether for muslim students. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Abo muslim movement >> العنوان / Address: Abo muslim movement 8 Community Rd Zone 5 Rd victory Estate Iyanu School B/stop Iba L.G.A, Lagos, Lagos 2341, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 2341-4343493 الفاكس / Fax: non البريد الإلكتروني / Email: ibomuslim@yahoo.com المعلومات العامّة / General Information: The cornvercts, that gatherd them selfs together to preach and in ligthing people about islam. نشاطات / Activities: 7am-10am: Thusdays, preching, and convercting people . النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: Going to non islamic Area, like our land in Nigeria (IBO LAND)is a christan land our nation only for we that have seen the ligth of islam.so from time to time our movement gos to some of villages to prech and inligthing them about islam. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Abuja Muslim Forum >> العنوان / Address: Abuja Muslim Forum National Mosque Complex, Central Area, Abuja, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Muslim organisation engaged in Da'wah [www.esinislam.com] 

a  AFRICA MUSLIM AGENCY >> العنوان / Address: AFRICA MUSLIM AGENCY PoBox 18, AYETORO OKEHO, Oyo State, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: islamic centre [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Ahbabud-dinil Islami Society of Nigeria, Offa Garage, Ilorin. >> العنوان / Address: Ahbabud-dinil Islami Society of Nigeria, Offa Garage, Ilorin. Ojomu Estate, Offa Garage, Ilorin., Illorin, Kwara 20004, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 0805-5679094 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: ahbabudin@yahoo.org التوجيهات / Directions: From General Post Office Ilorin, take a cab or bus to Offa Garage.Just after Kwara Express Office/Loading Point, there is an estate by the right with one very big Mosque; that is the Society's Central Mosque. نشاطات / Activities: 9.00 a.m-12.00: Sunday, Asalatu Prayer, General [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Ahlsunnah islamic foundation >> العنوان / Address: Ahlsunnah islamic foundation G.P.O. BOX 16302 DUGBE ibadan, Ibadan, oyo state 23402, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 02-2319878 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: ahlsunnah1424@hotmail.com التوجيهات / Directions: From Ibadan central mosque(oja oba), drive/walk straight towards Idi arere/molete road(or ask), then when yuou reavch idi arere junction ask of the road tpo popoyemaja, then along popoyuemoja road ask of ahlsunnah computers location(we are presently rendering subsidized computer training to those muslim who respect sunnah as a way of life in an islamised environment and Ishah Allah we hope to add other services at subsidized rate too as soon as Allah gives us the means because we rely on Allah alone) المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Ahlsunnah islamic foundation is presently bearing the name ahlsunnah computers but the founder who have been dreaming of how to established a true foundation for the helpless pure ahli sunnah have decided to widened the name to an islamic foundation because we are already operating as a foudation, since we started with free computer training of veiled sisters but the free training have to stop because we(husband and wife with wife training the sisters) are poor too and the number of sisters were increasing .But now we are only subsidizing and we have also added the training of brothers now and we hope to add other services like Islamic video club and islamic barbing saloon e.t.c. after our graduation (after ramadan Inshah Allah) Inshort our plan is to dedicate our life to a selfless services to those muslims who are ready to live with fear of Allah. نشاطات / Activities 1: 9a.m.-to: 6pm, computer training/dawah, with pure islamic touch نشاطات / Activities 2: 9a.m.-to: 6pm, computer training/dawah, with pure islamic touch نشاطات / Activities 3: 9a.m.-to: 6pm, computer training/dawah, with pure islamic touch نشاطات / Activities 4: 9a.m.-to: 6pm, computer training/dawah, with pure islamic touch نشاطات / Activities 5: 9a.m.-to: 6pm [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Ahlu sunnah wa jamah >> العنوان / Address: Ahlu sunnah wa jamah Adeniji adele road beside phase2, Lagos, Lagos state 23401, NIGERIA التوجيهات / Directions: beside adeniji adele dolphin estate phase2 small gate المعلومات العامّة / General Information: the following of what the quran and the hadith says only نشاطات / Activities 1: 8.30pm-11.00pm: Friday, dawah, نشاطات / Activities 2: 8.30pm-11.00pm: Satuday, dawah, نشاطات / Activities 3: 4.30pm-6.30m: Sunday, usura, phase 1 central mosque [www.esinislam.com] 

a  AIB MASJID/UMMAH >> العنوان / Address: AIB MASJID/UMMAH AIB PLAZA, A/ADESOLA STREET, Lagos, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 01-2620285 الفاكس / Fax: 01-2620275 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: dmsani@aibng.com التوجيهات / Directions: AIB PLAZA, it is about one kilometer from Ikoyi Hotel. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: prayer, lectures and da'awah نشاطات / Activities 1: 1.30pm-4.00pm: mon-fri, daily prayers, zuhri&asri نشاطات / Activities 2: 5.oopm-6.00pm: fri, da'awah, general النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: organises question&answer sessions, as need arises. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Ajarat Islamic Thought Foundation >> العنوان / Address: Ajarat Islamic Thought Foundation suite 95, stadium shopping complex, Ibrahim Taiwo Road Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara state 234, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 080-34727717 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: psaheed2003@yahoo.com المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Research Centre and Educational services. النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: 1.Estabishment of Iqra acedemy 2.National quranic completion 3.Printing and publishing etc [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Akhwati Muslimah >> العنوان / Address: Akhwati Muslimah Central Area Abuja, Abuja F.c.t., FCT, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 234-8037866024 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: young_muslim_sisters_association@yahoo.com المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Akhwati Muslimah is a sisters organization that participates in da'awah & charity work. Our primary aim is to aid sisters amongs us to be better muslimahs and then extend to the whole muslim community insha Allah. النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: Sisters meet every saturday of the week for islamic gatherings & activities. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  AL - MUSLIM NEWSPAPER >> العنوان / Address: AL - MUSLIM NEWSPAPER 8, Omotola Way, Ojodu Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria, Lagos, Lagos State 23401, NIGERIA البريد الإلكتروني / Email: almuslim12@yahoo.com OR al_muslim1@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: From Ikeja, Agege, Ojota, Oshodi and CMS to Ojodu Berger Bus Stop, take a bike to No. 8 Omotola Way, Ojodu Ikeja Lagos State, Nigeria. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: 1. Publication of lslamic Newspaper named Al Muslim 2. Printing of lslamic greeting cards [www.esinislam.com] 

a  AL FATHIA >> العنوان / Address: AL FATHIA OAU CAMPUS, Ife, OSUN STATE, NIGERIA التوجيهات / Directions: FROM OAU CAMPUS GATE TO SPORT MARKET AND ASK FOR AL FATHIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: QURAN ISLAMIC BOOKS BANK CONSUMABLE GOODS نشاطات / Activities 1: 10-: [www.esinislam.com] 

a  AL-AQSOH MEDIA AND PRODUCTION LTD. >> العنوان / Address: AL-AQSOH MEDIA AND PRODUCTION LTD. 3, AKANBI STREET, LADI-LAK BARIGA, Lagos, LAGOS 23401, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 23480-28138597 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: al-aqsoh@ummah.com المعلومات العامّة / General Information: al-aqsoh is an islamic enterprises that was given birth to cater for the muslim needs across the nation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Al-bayyan Islamic Foundation >> العنوان / Address: Al-bayyan Islamic Foundation FCE(Technical)Omoku Town, Port Harcourt, (Omoku) Rivers State 234, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: +2348066008071 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: al_bayyan_islam@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: Drive down from portharcourt through airport road to Omoku headquarter of Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni L.G.A المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Al-Bayyan Al-Islamiyyah Inc.is an existing org.in Mus'ab bin Umay'r Mosque, 3 Squadron base police mobile force, Enugu State.The aims and objectives of this org. is 1. to serve in the cause of the truth. 2 to plant the seed of the true teachings of islam. 3, to build a bridge of understanding between the muslims and non- muslims for tolerance and peaceful co- existence. 4, to seek co-operation and co-ordination with other organizations with similar objectives, in and outside the state. 5, to maintain brotherhood in islam as ordain by Allah and His Apostle. 6, to correct misconceptions about islam. Branches at Etete G.R.A police station Benin city, Edo state and Federal Collage of Education(Technical) Omoku, ONELGA Rivers State. The organization is made up with the following officers: - Amir and the Naibul Amir 2 secretary 3 Dawah officer with patrons from diffrent feild, Army offers, police officers, lawyers, and buseness men. نشاطات / Activities 1: 1000-1400: Sunday, Public lecture, Islam for all mankind نشاطات / Activities 2: 1200-1415: Friday, kuthbah, muslims affairs النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: going out for public Dawah, to build an islamic school in Omoku town which will be known as Al-bayyan islamic school. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Al-Mu'minaat Organization >> العنوان / Address: Al-Mu'minaat Organization 567, Ikorodu road Kosofe Lagos state, Lagos, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 234--08033213728, البريد الإلكتروني / Email: almuminaat1426ah@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: From any major park/garage take abus to ketu mile 12 alight at kosofe bus stop, then locate the secretariat المعلومات العامّة / General Information: A muslim women organization concerned with all-round development of women folks as well as claiming their rightful position in the community . Thus building muslim women to build the nation. النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: We operate at National, State, local and branch levels . Our programmes include weelky tarbiyya in over seventy centers in Lagos alone, monthly activities such as vocational training, mosque cleaning, id get togethers and various projects like arabic classes kindergarten classes, and adult educations. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ALQIBLAH INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION ILORIN >> العنوان / Address: ALQIBLAH INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION ILORIN 29, pakata road okekura ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara 24001, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 234-8042259691 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: freewill2paradise@hotmail.com التوجيهات / Directions: Any direction whether internationally or locally Africa, Nigeria, Kwara state, Ilorin City, Emirs Market, Pakata Street, 29 Okekura road. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: MAKE MAKE OUR FUTURE ONES A BETTER TOMMOROW AND LEAVE UNWANTED CULTURE ALONE........... نشاطات / Activities 1: 10.00AM-12.00PM: EVERY END, EVERY MONTH CELEB., FOR KIDS نشاطات / Activities 2: EVE-EVE: 1ST OF HIJRAH, PRAYER, SERMON نشاطات / Activities 3: 8: 00PM-9: 00 PM: FRIDAY, MEETING, MEETING النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: MAKING WAY FOR ISLAM TO REACH UNREACHABLE PLACES AND TO HELP SHORT HANDS AMONG ISLAM [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Aluba islamic center >> العنوان / Address: Aluba islamic center p.o.box.1036 bauchi, Bauchi State, Bauchi, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 00234-77544120 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: luqmanaa@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: Aluba center along gomber road bauchi المعلومات العامّة / General Information: producing islamic cassete small margazing internet site.and there likes. نشاطات / Activities 1: 8-10: MONDAY نشاطات / Activities 2: 4-6: FRIADSY, MARGAZING, SAFINATU نشاطات / Activities 3: 8-10: SUNDAY, TERCHING نشاطات / Activities 4: 8-10: SATURDAY, TERCHING, ISLAMIC النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: TERCHING, MARGAZING, WEBSITE [www.esinislam.com] 

a  AMINA ISLAMIC FOUNDATION >> العنوان / Address: AMINA ISLAMIC FOUNDATION 42B KARAWORO SREET, Lokoja, KOGI 234, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 080-23638203 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: tijjaniisah@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: karaworo street is behind the former NRC Party secretariat, which is opposite immaculate catholic church. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ASSISTING THE LESS PRIVILLEGES, EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP, ISLAMIC ENLIGHTENMENT/PUBLICATIONS ETC. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  An-Nisa foundation >> العنوان / Address: An-Nisa foundation Suite 10, De Awwal Plaza, Zone 5 Wuse, Abuja, FCT Box 4596 Garki, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 234 804 316 4467 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: sistertosister03@yahoo.com المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic women's charity organisation.Members mostly corporate muslim women. Activities include da'awah, hospital visits, medical caravan, sponsorship of indigent students to school, and quaterly publication of islamic magazine called sister to sister. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Ansar-Ud-Deen Youth Association of Nigeria Festac Branch >> العنوان / Address: Ansar-Ud-Deen Youth Association of Nigeria Festac Branch 24/72 Road Junction Festac Town, Lagos, Lagos, Lagos, NIGERIA البريد الإلكتروني / Email: adyanfestac@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: From Mile 2, you enter into Festac Town through the First gate, move straight to 24rd and turn left. The associations secretariate is situated within Ansar-Ud-Deen Society of Nigeria Festac Branch mosque premises. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Organising Humanitarian Visits, Quiz and Quranic competitions, Lectures, Ramadan Tafsir, Asalat, Tahajud, youth empowerment programmes and lot more. نشاطات / Activities 1: 5pm-7pm: 3rd Sunday, Asalat, نشاطات / Activities 2: 10am-4pm: 5th Sunday, Humanitarian visit, نشاطات / Activities 3: 5pm-7pm: 4th Sunday, General Meeting, نشاطات / Activities 4: 5pm-7pm: 2nd Sunday, General Meeting, نشاطات / Activities 5: 5pm-7pm: 1st Sunday, Asalat [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ANSARUD DINE ORGANISATION >> العنوان / Address: ANSARUD DINE ORGANISATION PoBox 170, Lagos, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: islamic organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ANSARUL ISLAM SOCIETY >> العنوان / Address: ANSARUL ISLAM SOCIETY 25, MINNA STREET, S/GARI, Kano, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ISLAMIC SOCIETY [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ARABIC & ISLAMIC CULTURAL INSTITUTE KADUNA >> العنوان / Address: ARABIC & ISLAMIC CULTURAL INSTITUTE KADUNA PoBox 791, B.B. 18, D.I.C. ROAD KAKURI, Kaduna, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: cultural institute [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ARABIC & ISLAMIC TRAINING CENTRE >> العنوان / Address: ARABIC & ISLAMIC TRAINING CENTRE AGEGE, Lagos, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 00234-1-821726 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ISLAMIC TRAINING CENTRE [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ARABIC INSTITUTE OF NIGERIA >> العنوان / Address: ARABIC INSTITUTE OF NIGERIA PoBox 3346, Ibadan, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ARABIC INSTITUTE [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ARABIC INSTITUTE OF NIGERIA >> العنوان / Address: ARABIC INSTITUTE OF NIGERIA PoBox 3346, Ibadan, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ARABIC INSTITUTE [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ARABIC ISLAMIC TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTER >> العنوان / Address: ARABIC ISLAMIC TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTER AGODI, Ibadan, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 0234-2-713888 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: TRAINING CENTER [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ARABIC TRAINING CENTER >> العنوان / Address: ARABIC TRAINING CENTER IMALA VIA ABEOKUTA, OGUN STATE, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: TRANING CENTER [www.esinislam.com] 

a  AS SOFAA MUSLIM SOCIETY OF NIGERIA >> العنوان / Address: AS SOFAA MUSLIM SOCIETY OF NIGERIA 3, ISHASI STREET, DENRO ROAD AKUTE, Lagos, LAGOS STATE 2341, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 23480-23862724 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: salmanlilkuli@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: From Berger Bus Stop Take Bus Going To Akute Drop @Last Bus Stop, Then TakeBike Going To Ishasi, From There Ask Of The Said Address. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: It is a non-profit organisation set up purely for islamic cultural awareness and enlightenment. نشاطات / Activities 1: 8-12: Saturday, Qur, aan Recitation, For Children نشاطات / Activities 2: 8-10: monday, Qur, aan, Recitation, For Adult نشاطات / Activities 3: 1: 30-2: 30: Friday, Jum, at, Jum, at service نشاطات / Activities 4: 9-12: Sunday, Asalaat, Asalaat and prayyer نشاطات / Activities 5: 8-10: Wednesday, Qur, aan, Revision النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: Ramadaan Lectures And Tafseer, Lailatul Quadr, And Islamic occational Lectures, And Every Thursday lecture In The Evenning. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  AS-HAABUS-SALAAM SOCIETY OF NIGERIA >> العنوان / Address: AS-HAABUS-SALAAM SOCIETY OF NIGERIA 1 ODUSANYA STREET, ILAJE, BARIGA, LAGOS, Lagos, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: +2348023078685 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: The society focuses mainly on Islamic education. It organises usrah for families, special Islamic training for children and adults as well as seminars and public lectures on Islam for the public. It has plans to set up schools for Islamic studies. The society is currently constructing a masjid and Islamic centre at its permanent site in Oke Ota, Ibeshe, Ikorodu, Lagos. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Asociacion Panamena de Adoradores de ALA >> العنوان / Address: Asociacion Panamena de Adoradores de ALA FSU Canal Zone, Apaa, capital city, NIGERIA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: organization for the worship of the only god of the universe, ALAH [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ASSO. OF MUSLIM BROTHERS & SISTERS OF NIGERIA >> العنوان / Address: ASSO. OF MUSLIM BROTHERS & SISTERS OF NIGERIA 13 BRIDGE STREET, AGORO MOSQUE, IDUMOTA, Lagos, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 00234-1-661401 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ASSOCIATION OF MUSLIMS [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ASSOCIATION OF MUSLIM INTELLECTUALS OF NIGERIA (A.M.I.N) >> العنوان / Address: ASSOCIATION OF MUSLIM INTELLECTUALS OF NIGERIA (A.M.I.N) BF 8, Birnin Yero Street Off Dutsinma Road Tudun Wada, Kaduna, Kaduna, P.O Box 7749, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 234-(0) 62 410 882 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: muslimintellectuals@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: EASY ACCESS TO A.M.I.N SECRETARIAT THROUGH WESTERN BY-PASS. TAKE ANY MEANS OF TRANSPORT AND DROP BY IIRO HOSPITAL. A.M.I.N OFFICE IS WITHIN A WALKING DISTANCE. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: WEEKLY USHRAH/TAFSIR QURAN ON SUNDAYS BETWEEN 4: 30PM AND 8: 00PM RAMADAN LECTURES VISITS TO INMATES IN PRISON DA'WAH PROGRAMMES [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Association of Muslim Professionals >> العنوان / Address: Association of Muslim Professionals 23 Elelenwo Road, Rumukurushi, Porth Harcourt, PORT HARCOURT, Rivers, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 234-8033033926 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: ampphc @yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: Port Harcourt is in the South Southern part of Nigeria, about 600 Kilometers away from Lagos the Countries Commercial capital. The Organisation is along Elelenwo Road, off the Port Harcourt Aba Express Way, by Oil Mill Junction, sharing same compound with the Elelenwo Central Mosque. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: The Organisation is purely an Islamic one, with the main aim of spreading the messege of Islam in Rivers State and other neighbouring states of Abia, Imo, Bayelsa, Delta, Akwa-Ibomand Cross River, etc. It undertake activities such as Da'awah to niegbuoring villages, where many people are embracing Islam in numbers, Building of Mosques, schools and Librares. The Organisation also award scholarships and sponsor children to Islamic schools. It also employ and post teachers to Rural areas where new converts are staying, for close interaction. The organsation is generally funded by members and other individual muslims around. It is therefore looking for donations and sponsors of its varoius projects and teachers. This is a brief summary of the Organisation. Bissalam [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Association of Muslim Professionals >> العنوان / Address: Association of Muslim Professionals c/o Olatunji Adepoju&co 17 Ahmed Onibudo str.Victoria Island, Lagos, lagos, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 2341-4616198 الفاكس / Fax: 2341-2621925 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: AN ORGANIZATION COMPRISING YOUNG MUSLIM PROFESSIONALS. نشاطات / Activities 1: 10AM-12PM: LAST SUNDAY, HOUSE DUA, نشاطات / Activities 2: 11AM-2PM: IST SUNDAY, MEETING/LECTURE [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Association of Muslim Professionals, Abia State Chapter >> العنوان / Address: Association of Muslim Professionals, Abia State Chapter #5, Lagos Street, Umiahia, Umuahia, Abia, NIGERIA البريد الإلكتروني / Email: ampabia@al-islam.com التوجيهات / Directions: From ishi-gate (main market) take bike to 5, logos street or negotiate owerri road, turn to lagos street. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: The same aims and objectives with the national (parent body) نشاطات / Activities 1: 8: 00am-10: 00am: 2nd Sunday, Study Class, Arabic class for members نشاطات / Activities 2: 10: 00am-12: 00 noom: 3rd Sunday, Women Usrah, Training class for Women نشاطات / Activities 3: 10: 00am-12: 00 noon: 4th Sunday, Professionla Talk, Contemporary Issues Discussion نشاطات / Activities 4: 10: 00am-12: 00 noon: 1st Sunday, General Usrah, Family Program النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: Funding of Arabic class, working with MCAN on dawah programs and general dawah activities. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Association Of Muslim Professioners >> العنوان / Address: Association Of Muslim Professioners .C/o Esteem International School, Wuse Zone 4, Abuja, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, NIGERIA الهاتف / Phone: 234-08044180971 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: ampabuja@yahoo.com التوجيهات / Directions: Esteem International School, Opposite Nigerlink Hotel, Wuse Zone 4 Abuja. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: The Organisation is working to promote Islamic knowledge and studies among the elite muslims who may not have had the opportunity of having Islamic education while they were pursuing Western eduction. The activities of the organisation is being carried out for Allah's course. The organisation is financed through contributions from members. Its meeting is held once every month on the third Sunday of the month. نشاطات / Activities: 2.00 pm-4.00 pm: 3rd Sunday, Meeting, Every month [www.esinislam.com]


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 محررتنا أم عبد الله أديلابو مديرة هذا الموقع بإشراف شيخنا الشيخ أبي عبد الله أديلابو و إرشاده - حفظهما الله و حفظ أهلهما - 

Our Editor And Director Is Umm-Abdullah Adelabu Who Is The Director Of This Site With Supervision And Guidance Of Our Sheikh, Sheikh Abu-Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D Damas) - May Allah (s.w.t.) Protect Both Of Them And Their Family

شيخنا: الشيخ عيد الفتَّاح أبو عبد الله تائوو أديلابو 

Our Sheikh Is: Sheikh Abdul-Fattah Abu-Abdullah Taiwo Adelabu (Ph.D. Damas)

المزيد من المعلومات عن شيخنا 

More Information About Our Sheikh

s Awqaf Africa (also known or referred to as AWQAF) serves all countries of Africa: South, North, West, East, and other territorial geography of the continent including its islands in Pacific, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Seas as well as Caribbea

s Awqaf Africa seeks the causes of suffering, poverty, and Islamophobia and tries to eliminate them under the amiable banner of Islam

s Sheikh Abdulfattah Abu Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas), a West African Islamic Academic founded Awqaf Africa, of which he's the first al Amir (i.e. President).  Sheikh Abu Abdullah was studying Postgraduate Degrees in Damascus early 1990's during when Syria reviewed its national security including immigration control...

s Awqaf Africa is an independent establishment with a firm principle to stay neutral and distance itself from exploitations by politicians, lobbies from business prominent, or affiliations with military strugglings.  Awqaf Africa maintains Jihad or Struggling For The Cause of Islam is a faith as well as a duty, and therefore does not champion any struggling other than that of Islam

s Waqfs [Awqaf] or Habs (i.e. Endowments From al Amir, Members Of ash Shura, And Muslim Donors)


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 ويحلّ لهم الطيّبات ويحرّم عليهم الخبائث - الأعراف 157

"...He (Allah) allows them At-Tayyibaat (all good and lawful) and prohibit them Al-Khabaa`ith (all evil and unlawful)" [Q7:157]



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