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South African Islamic Organizations And Societies:

South African Mosques:-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
South African Islamic Organizations And Societies:-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
South African Muslim Schools And Colleges:-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
South African Muslim Own Businesses And Enterprises:-- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Islamic Organizations And Services :: الجمعيات الإسلامية والخدمات

a  IMDAAD Trust >> العنوان / Address: IMDAAD Trust 156 Queen Street, Durban, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4001, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 031-306 0786 / 307 5 الفاكس / Fax: (031) 306 0710 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Womens Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Imdaad Trust Adult Literacy and Educational Programme >> العنوان / Address: Imdaad Trust Adult Literacy and Educational Programme P.O.Box 32271, Mobeni, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Education Center [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Insuq Fisabililah Social Wing >> العنوان / Address: Insuq Fisabililah Social Wing PO Box 24391, Lansdowne, 7780, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 6381097 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Insuq Fisabilillah Social Wing >> العنوان / Address: Insuq Fisabilillah Social Wing P O Box 24391, Lansdowne, Cape Town, Western Cape 7780, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-638 1097 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Services [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Interim Youth Commission >> العنوان / Address: Interim Youth Commission P O Box 15291, Vlaeberg, Cape Town, Western Cape 8018, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)- 73 0174 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Youths Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Isalmic Medical Association (IMA) >> العنوان / Address: Isalmic Medical Association (IMA) P.O.Box 48786, Qualbert, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 031-207 2250 الفاكس / Fax: 031 207 2260 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Medical Association [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islam to the World Trust >> العنوان / Address: Islam to the World Trust 51 Klip Road, Grassy Park, PO Box 2, Lotus River, 7805, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 7061919 الفاكس / Fax: 7061919 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islam to the World Trust >> العنوان / Address: Islam to the World Trust P O Box 2, Lotus River, Cape Town, Western Cape 7805, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-706 1919 الفاكس / Fax: (021) 706 1919 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islam to the World Trust >> العنوان / Address: Islam to the World Trust 51 Klip Road, PO Box 2, Lotus River 7805, Grassy Park, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamia Burial Society >> العنوان / Address: Islamia Burial Society P O Box 360, Umzinto, Umzinto, KwaZulu-Natal 4200, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (0323-41371/42265 الفاكس / Fax: (0323) 41160 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Burial Societies [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC & EDUCATIONAL TRUST >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC & EDUCATIONAL TRUST 110 Keal Rd Sydenham, Durban, 4091, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 031-207-3268 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ISLAMIC TRUST [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC CALL SOCIETY >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC CALL SOCIETY P.O. Box 7615, Dar-es-Salaam, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 022-215-0189 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ISLAMIC SOCIETY [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Care and Outreach Network >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Care and Outreach Network Moslem Movement Hall, Cnr. Van rooyen & Van der Kemp Str. Parkside, Port Elizabeth, 6001, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 041-4571459 الفاكس / Fax: 041 4571459 التوجيهات / Directions: At the Sanzaf office & at Nasruddin Islamic School المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Provides a confidential, professional counselling service, trauma debriefing, family conferencing, drug conferencing, training workshops for youth, women, scholars and lay counsellors, and community outreach in the form of soup kitchens, skills, home industry and support. نشاطات / Activities: 08h30-13h00: Mon-Fri, النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: Counselling [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Careline >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Careline P O Box 42862, Fordsburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2033, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (011)-838 6085/6 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Services [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL 2602 Gemsbok Rd Paarlshoop, Randburg, 2092, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 011-854-8903 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ISLAMIC ORGANIZATION [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Charitable Society of Roodepoort & Azaadville >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Charitable Society of Roodepoort & Azaadville P O Box 10198, Johannesburg, Roodepoort, Gauteng 2000, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (011)-763 1939 / 834 الفاكس / Fax: (011) 838 2605 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Charitable Society [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Co-ordinating Council >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Co-ordinating Council 8th Avenue, Grassy Park, 7056267, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Charitable & Relief Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Co-ordinating Council >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Co-ordinating Council 56 Onlong Way, Grassy Park, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 7057008 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Co-ordinating Council >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Co-ordinating Council 56 Onlong Way, Grassy Park, Cape Town, Western Cape 7945, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-705 7008 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Council [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Co-ordinating Council >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Co-ordinating Council P O Box 4804, Cape Town, Western Cape 8000, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)- 448 4527 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Council [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Co-ordinating council (ICC) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Co-ordinating council (ICC) 89-5th Avenue, Grassy Park, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 021-706 2686 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic council [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (ICOSA) >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (ICOSA) Mosque Road, Gatesville, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: +2721-6381121 الفاكس / Fax: +27216381790 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: info@icosa.co.za Web Site / Web Site: http: //www.icosa.co.za التوجيهات / Directions: ICOSA forms part of the Gatesville Islamic Centre. Situated opposite the Gatesville Medical Centre and Gatesville Library. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ICOSA is the only Islamic tertiary institution in South Africa conferring degrees in Islamic Studies. نشاطات / Activities: 08h00-15h00: Mon.-Fri, Educational, Courses for men & Women [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Community of South Africa (Murabitun) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Community of South Africa (Murabitun) P O Box 21313, Roshnee, Roshnee, Gauteng 1936, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social welfare Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Community of South Africa (Murabitun) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Community of South Africa (Murabitun) P O Box 5314, Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape 8000, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-47 7927 الفاكس / Fax: (021) 797 7996 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Community [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Coordinating Council - Ladies Council >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Coordinating Council - Ladies Council 2 Islay Road, Grassy Park, Cape Town, Western Cape 7945, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)- 705 3460 / 70 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Council [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Coordinating Council-Ladies Council >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Coordinating Council-Ladies Council 2 Islay Road, Grassy Park, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 7053460 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Women's Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Coordinating Council-Ladies Jamaa >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Coordinating Council-Ladies Jamaa Italian Road, Grassy Park, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 728386 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Women's Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Council of South Africa (ICSA) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Council of South Africa (ICSA) P.O.Box 75, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 021-6373930 الفاكس / Fax: 021-6373931 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic council [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Crisis Call Centre >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Crisis Call Centre 501 Escoval House 437 Smith Street, Durban, 4001, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 0861-786 400 الفاكس / Fax: +2731 301 7850 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: crisiscentre@msn.com التوجيهات / Directions: Situated right in the Central Business District of Durban. المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Alhamdu Lillaah we are a 24 hour community based organisation working towards eradicating the mutiplicity of problems within the community. Services are absolutely free of charge. النشاطات العامّة / General Activities: Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Marital Discord, Drug/Alcohol Abuse, HIV/Aids Counselling, free courses on First-Aid skills, Ghusal of the Mayyit, Counselling Skills etc... [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Cultural Committee >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Cultural Committee P O Box 19845, Pretoria West, Laudium, Pretoria, Gauteng 0117, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (012- 327 0190 / 37 الفاكس / Fax: (012) 327 0190 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Cultural Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Da'wah Movement >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Da'wah Movement P O Box 1333, Sasolburg, Sasolburg, Free State 9570, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (016)-741021 / 55284 الفاكس / Fax: (016) 552842 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah Movement [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Da'wah Movement >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Da'wah Movement SH Centre, Carnie Road, Rylands Estate, PO Box 38173, Gatesville, 7764, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Dawa'h Movement - Women's Wing >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Dawa'h Movement - Women's Wing P O Box 48009, Qualbert, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4012, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (031)-304 6883 الفاكس / Fax: (031) 305 1292 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Dawa'h Movement [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Dawah Movement >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Dawah Movement P O Box 50160, Zinniaville, Rustenburg, North West 0302, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (0142- 22502 الفاكس / Fax: (0142) 960432 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah Movement [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC DAWAH MOVEMENT (IDM) >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC DAWAH MOVEMENT (IDM) PoBox 1297, Rustenberg, 300, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Dawah center [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC DAWAH MOVEMENT (IDM) >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC DAWAH MOVEMENT (IDM) PoBox 46286, Belle Ombre, 142, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Dawah center [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC DAWAH MOVEMENT (IDM) >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC DAWAH MOVEMENT (IDM) QUALBERT, PoBox 48009, Durban, 4078, SOUTH AFRICA الفاكس / Fax: 0027-31-3051292 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Dawah center [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC DAWAH MOVEMENT (IDM) >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC DAWAH MOVEMENT (IDM) PoBox 4032, Uitenhage, 6242, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Dawah Center [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Dawah Movement - >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Dawah Movement - P O Box 38173, Gatesville, Rylands Estate, Cape Town, Western Cape 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-638 3711/8 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: (021) 633 2211 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah Movement [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Dawah Movement of South Africa (IDM) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Dawah Movement of South Africa (IDM) P.O.Box 784, Crown Mines, 2025, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 011-837 2925 الفاكس / Fax: (021) 638 1137 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT TRUST >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT TRUST CLAREMONT, PoBox 44722, Cape Town, 7735, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic trust [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC DIALOGUE CENTRE >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC DIALOGUE CENTRE SHOP : 4 DURDOC CENTRE 470 SMITH STR., Durban, 4000, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: +2731-305 6731 الفاكس / Fax: 305 6751 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: idc-durban@fountainet.org We£b Si£te / Web Site: www.fountainet.org المعلومات العامّة / General Information: islamic clases arabic teaching clases library bookshop etc. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Dress Fashion >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Dress Fashion 52 5th Avenue, Fairways, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 7050218 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Women's Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Educational Organisation of Southern Africa (IEOSA) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Educational Organisation of Southern Africa (IEOSA) P.O.Box 2301, Durban, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 031-301 9744 الفاكس / Fax: 031306 6429 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Education Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Educational Services >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Educational Services 200 Constitution Street, Azaad Building, District Six Zonnebloem, Cape Town, 8001, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 083 -697 6926 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: farnold@wol.co.za المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Educational Consultants Free service for madrassa/Muslim teachers serving poor areas: curriculum, texts, learning & teaching aids, holistic teacher & management training as well as effective learner-centred classroom design. [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Forum >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Forum P O Box 19042, Dormerton, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4015, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (031)-207 3910 الفاكس / Fax: (031) 207 3474 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Forum [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC FOUNDATION >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC FOUNDATION 470 C VAN DER HOFF ROAD, HERCULES, Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 0027-12-3770216 الفاكس / Fax: 0027-12-3743569 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic foundation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Foundation of the North >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Foundation of the North P O Box 1043, Pietersburg, Pietersburg, 0700, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (0152- 297 2592 / 23 الفاكس / Fax: (0152) 292 1140 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Foundation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Hearse and Burial Services >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Hearse and Burial Services P O Box 65331, Reservoir Hills, Reservoir Hills, KwaZulu-Natal 4090, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (031)-283360 الفاكس / Fax: (0331) 902515 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Burial Services [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC INFORMATION BUREAU >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC INFORMATION BUREAU Mosque Arc 29 Murchison St, Newcastle, 2940, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 034-315-4085 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ISLAMIC INFORMATION CENTER [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Information Centre >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Information Centre P O Box 958, Pietersburg, Pietersburg, Northern Province 0700, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (0152-297 4386 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC INFORMATION SERVICES >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC INFORMATION SERVICES P.O. Box 10155, Lenasia, 1820, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 011-854-6095 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ISLAMIC SERVICES [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC INFORMATION CENTRE >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC INFORMATION CENTRE P.O. Box 274, Polokwane, 0700, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 015-297-4386 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: ISLAMIC CENTRE [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF SA >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF SA 222 Kenilworth Rd Sydenham, Durban, 4091, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [www.esinislam.com]  

a  Islamic Institute Volksrust >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Institute Volksrust 72 Monument Street, Mpumalanga, 2470, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 017-735 2091 الفاكس / Fax: 017 735 2091 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: maktab@telkomsa.net المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Institute [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Library >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Library P O Box 38072, Gatesville, Cape Town, Western Cape 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-633 4319 الفاكس / Fax: (021) 638 1790 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Library [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Literature Media >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Literature Media Habibia Complex, Johnson Road, Rylands, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 6377001 الفاكس / Fax: 6386552 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: BOOK AGENCIES, PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Literature Media >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Literature Media P O Box 294, Gatesville, Cape Town, Western Cape 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-638 3735 الفاكس / Fax: (021) 638 6552 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Literature Media [www.esinislam.com] 

a  ISLAMIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION >> العنوان / Address: ISLAMIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 6494 Jasmin Rd Zilweleni, Pinetown, 3604, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 031-706-5079 الفاكس / Fax: 031706-5079 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Medical Association of South Africa >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Medical Association of South Africa P.O. Box 563, Newton, Johannesburg, 2113, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 011-8376717 الفاكس / Fax: 011 8301782 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: imajhb@global.co.za المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Medical Association [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Medical Association of South Africa >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Medical Association of South Africa P O Box 627, Roodepoort, Roodepoort, Gauteng 1725, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (011)-766 1310 الفاكس / Fax: (011) 766 1310 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Medical Association [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMA) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMA) P.O. Box 48786, Qualbert, Durban, 4078, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 031-2072250 الفاكس / Fax: 031 2072260 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: imakzn@eastcoast.co.za المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Medical Association [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMA) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Medical Association of South Africa (IMA) 312 Broad Rd Medical Cntr, Wynberg, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 021- 762 1414 الفاكس / Fax: 021 762 1414 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: imawc@lukhanyo.co.za المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Medical Association [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Messengers >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Messengers Breys Centre, Klipfontein Road, PO Box 78, Gatesville, Rylands, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 6377001 الفاكس / Fax: 6381630 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: BOOK AGENCIES, PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Messengers >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Messengers P O Box 78, Gatesville, Cape Town, 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-637 7001 الفاكس / Fax: (021) 638 1630 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Print media [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Missionary Society >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Missionary Society 23 Gillies Street, Fordsburg, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 011-834 8241 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Missionary Society [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Missionary Society -Head Office >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Missionary Society -Head Office P O Box 54125, Vrededorp, Fordsburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2141, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (011)-834 8241 الفاكس / Fax: (011) 834 6410 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Movement of Eastern Transvaal >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Movement of Eastern Transvaal P O Box 786, Piet Retief, Piet Retief, Mpumalanga 2380, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 0134-3833 الفاكس / Fax: (01343) 2526 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Da'wah Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic propagation Centre International >> العنوان / Address: Islamic propagation Centre International IPCI Arcade, 124 Queen Street, Durban, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 031-306 0026 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic propagation Centre [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) P.O.Box 2672, Durban, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 031-307 5258 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Relief Agency [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Relief Fund >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Relief Fund 60 - 8th Avenue, Cnr Oxford & Mayfair Streets, Mayfair, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 011-830 1372 الفاكس / Fax: 011 830 1372 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Relief Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Relief Fund >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Relief Fund P O Box 42533, Johannesburg, Gauteng 2033, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (011)-833 6943 / 838 الفاكس / Fax: (011) 833 6943 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Charitable & Relief [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Social & Counselling Services >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Social & Counselling Services Masjidul Quds, Mosque Road, Gatesville, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 6333794 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Social & Counselling Services >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Social & Counselling Services Masjidul Quds, Youth Forum, Mosque Road, Gatesville, Cape Town, Western Cape 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)- 633 3794 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social & Counselling Services [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Social & Welfare Association >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Social & Welfare Association P O Box 447, Athlone, Cape Town, 7760, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-696 3000/1 البريد الإلكتروني / Email: (021) 697 4606 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Services [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Social & Welfare Association (ISWA) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Social & Welfare Association (ISWA) P.O.Box 447, Athlone, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 021-696 3000/1 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Welfare Association [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Social Welfare Society >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Social Welfare Society Highlands Road, Lentegeur, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 310493 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Social Welfare Society >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Social Welfare Society Highlands Road, Lentegeur, 7785, Cape Town, Western Cape 7785, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-31 0493 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Services [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Society - University of Cape Town >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Society - University of Cape Town Islamic Society, c/o UCT SRC, Private Bag, Rrondebosch, 7700, Cape Town, Western Cape 7700, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 021- 650 3537 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Students' Youth Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Society - University of Durban-Westville >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Society - University of Durban-Westville Islamic Society of UDW, c/o UDW SRC, Private Bag X54001, Durban, 4001, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal 4001, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (031)-820 9111 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Students' Youth Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Society - University of the Free State >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Society - University of the Free State University of O F S, c/o Tufusa, Islamic Society, Private Bag X20539, Bloemfontein, 9300, Bloemfontein, Free State 9300, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (051)- 407 3282 الفاكس / Fax: (051) 407 3199 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Students' Youth Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Society - University of the Western Cape >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Society - University of the Western Cape P O Box 18328, Wynberg, Cape Town, Western Cape 7824, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)-73 5439 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Students' Youth Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Student Association >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Student Association 81 Rouxton Road, Landowne, Cape Town, Western Cape 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021-762 2977 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Students' Youth Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Unity Convention (IUC) >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Unity Convention (IUC) P.O.Box 31171, Grassy Park, Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 021-705 2801 الفاكس / Fax: 011 837 7298 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Welfare Forum >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Welfare Forum HS Centre, Carnie Road, Rylands, PO Box 38173, Gatesville, 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 6381137 الفاكس / Fax: 6332211 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Welfare Forum >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Welfare Forum P O Box 38173, Gatesville, Rylands, Cape Town, Western Cape 7764, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: (021)- 638 1137/8 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Services [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Welfare Forum >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Welfare Forum Carnie Road, PO Box 38173, Gatesville 7764, Rylands Estate, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 6381137 الفاكس / Fax: 6332211 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Islamic Organisation [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Welfare Society >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Welfare Society Carlier Crescent, Crawford, PO Box 83, Athlone, 7760, SOUTH AFRICA الهاتف / Phone: 6919157 المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Social Welfare Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 

a  Islamic Women's Society >> العنوان / Address: Islamic Women's Society PO Box 438, Gatesville, 7764, SOUTH AFRICA المعلومات العامّة / General Information: Women's Organisations [www.esinislam.com] 


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Awqaf Africa


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Awqaf Africa The Muslim Communities

أوقاف إفريقيا المجتمع الإسلامي

Awqaf Africa [awqafafrica] in Brief




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 محررتنا أم عبد الله أديلابو مديرة هذا الموقع بإشراف شيخنا الشيخ أبي عبد الله أديلابو و إرشاده - حفظهما الله و حفظ أهلهما - 

Our Editor And Director Is Umm-Abdullah Adelabu Who Is The Director Of This Site With Supervision And Guidance Of Our Sheikh, Sheikh Abu-Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D Damas) - May Allah (s.w.t.) Protect Both Of Them And Their Family

شيخنا: الشيخ عيد الفتَّاح أبو عبد الله تائوو أديلابو 

Our Sheikh Is: Sheikh Abdul-Fattah Abu-Abdullah Taiwo Adelabu (Ph.D. Damas)

المزيد من المعلومات عن شيخنا 

More Information About Our Sheikh

s Awqaf Africa (also known or referred to as AWQAF) serves all countries of Africa: South, North, West, East, and other territorial geography of the continent including its islands in Pacific, Atlantic, and Mediterranean Seas as well as Caribbea

s Awqaf Africa seeks the causes of suffering, poverty, and Islamophobia and tries to eliminate them under the amiable banner of Islam

s Sheikh Abdulfattah Abu Abdullah Adelabu (Ph. D. Damas), a West African Islamic Academic founded Awqaf Africa, of which he's the first al Amir (i.e. President).  Sheikh Abu Abdullah was studying Postgraduate Degrees in Damascus early 1990's during when Syria reviewed its national security including immigration control...

s Awqaf Africa is an independent establishment with a firm principle to stay neutral and distance itself from exploitations by politicians, lobbies from business prominent, or affiliations with military strugglings.  Awqaf Africa maintains Jihad or Struggling For The Cause of Islam is a faith as well as a duty, and therefore does not champion any struggling other than that of Islam

s Waqfs [Awqaf] or Habs (i.e. Endowments From al Amir, Members Of ash Shura, And Muslim Donors)


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P. O. Box 46044, Maida Vale, London W9 3WN The United Kingdom

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The African Muslim Communities



 ويحلّ لهم الطيّبات ويحرّم عليهم الخبائث - الأعراف 157

"...He (Allah) allows them At-Tayyibaat (all good and lawful) and prohibit them Al-Khabaa`ith (all evil and unlawful)" [Q7:157]



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