Mujahideen Take Control Of More Than 50% Of Mali's Territory

09 June 2012

By Markaz Kavkaz

Ansar Forum reports with reference to AFP that the units of Mujahideen al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) captured some of Mali's key arsenals, which raises fears in the puppet regime.

Agency's sources note that an underground weapons and ammunition depot in the strategic north eastern town of Gao (see the map) will vastly boost the firepower of the AQIM Mujahideen. As a consequence, they would be able to defeat military formations of the Mali's "transitional government".

"It's one of the main depots of the Malian army", a puppet security source told AFP, adding that that the incident could be a prelude to "a long and difficult war".

A regional Western security source confirmed the seizure of arsenals by the Mujahideen will "really boost the AQIM's striking power", and added: "It is really impressive what AQIM found the underground depot".

According to a source of AFP, the Mujahideen seized many weapons that it would be enough for the entire puppet army of Mali and even for the military forces of Burkina Faso (see the map), which is located to the south.

News of the seizure of arsenals by the AQIM Mujahideen, which happened earlier this week, emerged Sunday after the Mali's "interim government" which was formed following a March 22 coup by military puppets, "condemned" the union between the Mujahideen and the rebels, based on the of Sharia Law. The Islamic Movement Ansar al-Din, or Defenders of Faith, allied with the Al-Qaeda, and the Tuareg rebels from the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA), proclaimed the Islamic State of Azawad.

Judging by the map, Azawad is located in the north of Mali, and occupies 50% of the territory of the country.

The details appeared on Islamic forums about unification of 2 major movements, Ansar al-Din and MNLA, which signed a bilateral agreement to establish the Islamic State of Azawad and the formation of the Transitional Council.

One of the commanders of Ansar al-Din confirmed to the news agency Al-Akbar that the treaty was signed on Saturday night, May 26, 2012, in the town of Gao, by the leaders of the two movements - Al-Abbas Ag Intalla, the head of the tribe Ifoghas, on behalf of Iyad Ag Galai, the Emir of Ansar al-Din, and MNLA general secretary, Ag Bilal al-Sharif, in the presence of influential figures of Azawad.

The agreement addressed the issues of fundamental importance, in particular, disbelief and idolatry, friendship and innocence (Al Wala Wal Baraa) and the need to establish an Islamic state.

Both sides pledged to work towards to establish the Sharia in Azawad, which will form the basis of all the spheres of life. The Mujahideen and the rebels agreed to follow the path of the Holy Quran and Sunnah in the purest sense of the righteous predecessors.

Ansar al-Din and MNLA confirmed that they unite in the interests of Islam and the Muslims, and create unified armed forces.

The Mujahideen and the rebels agreed to establish a transitional executive authority - the Transitional Islamic State Board of Azawad. It will consist of 12 members, two thirds of which will be the emirs of Ansar al-Din, and the remaining third the representatives of the MNLA.

The agreement came into force immediately after signing, and any violation of the foundations of Islam makes it invalid.

Both sides have agreed not to seek a UN membership for the Islamic State of Azawad and participation in any of UN activities since this body rejects the Jihad in principle.

It is expected that the Emir of Ansar al-Din, Sheikh Iyad Ag Galai, will lead the Provisional Council, and his deputy will be a representative of the MNLA.


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