Message To the Tribes Of Yemen, From Mujahid in Somalia

24 February 2010

By Abu Zubayr Alsomali

Tribes of Yemen, the war has reached you, it has come to your abode and you are most able to face it. The messenger of God had indicated in a Hadith that the armies of Yemen will come from Aden and that they are the best of armies. The Yemeni front is ablaze; thus be as good as people think you are.

The banner has reached us here in Somalia and the enemies have gathered against us from every direction. Against us, they launched a brutal war and they plotted machinations to keep us away from the causes of Muslim. And despite the fact that some tribes were hesitant at first, and some were fearful because of the false Crusader media's cloaking their forces with a veil of deceptive media coverage, they threatened and frightened the world. But in the end, thanks to the determination of their children, the few, and their steadfastness, they (the tribes) championed the jihad and supported the mujahidin. Today, here they are championing the oppressed and working to restore the caliphate, and what did the Crusaders do?

Tribes of Yemen, do not be frightened by your enemies threats to invade you by land and by sea. Do not be frightened by the fabrications of the hypocrites. By God, they are too cowardly to confront and fight you and the best example is the tribes of Somalia. Ask them about the threats. Did they wipe them out; did they force them to surrender? By God, they did not, rather, they emboldened them and strengthened their pride and unity.

Proud tribes of Yemen, today is your day. Do not let your enemy see either weakness or disagreement in you. The enemy has grown weaker and powerless from fighting the mujahidin in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia. It has come to you in its most weakened state. Therefore, you have no excuse to let it occupy your lands, desecrate your sanctities, slaughter your children, and destroy your homes, for you are a people of pride and faith.

People of Yemen, do not be the last to champion Shaykh Abu Abdullah (Usama Bin Ladin), may God protect him. He is from you and you are the first who acknowledged his good deeds. I know this is not going to be the first time you champion him. Everyone knows that your sons were the first to immigrate to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Somalia. But this time, the fate of the battle is to be determined in your land and sea and it is in your own hands. After that, the turn of Jerusalem will come, and then it will be time to restore the caliphate.

Tribes of Yemen, you have no excuse to fail Shaykh Usama. After the tribes of Somalia, Kenya, Abyssinia, and the sons of Sudan and Nigeria have come to champion him, you have no excuse to fail him now. It is inconceivable that the tribes of Africa are more eager to defend and champion Islam and protect its sanctities than you. Repent to God and defend the position of Islam. Champion Abu Abdullah. By God, he returned the nation to its glory and unity, so what is there to say, now that the tribes of Kenya have understood the matter and emerged from the jungle to support `There is no god but God.`

Tribes of Yemen, our rendezvous is at sea and the Bab al-Mandab (strait). The tribes of Somalia, along with the tribes of the jungles of Kenya and Abyssinia, the people of Sudan, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, and all of the people of Africa are ready. Do not miss the rendezvous and do not be afraid, for you are no cowards and this is how we regard you. We are confident that we will see you at sea just as we have been accustomed to see in the past. It is no coincidence that Abu Abdullah came from you, and it is no coincidence that the messenger, prayers and peace be upon him, mentioned you (in Hadiths).

May God's peace, blessings, and mercy be upon you.




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