Articles By Ahmed Abdullah


Palestinians refuse Israeli searches to enter Al-Aqsa: 'We will not receive the Al-Aqsa mosque, except as it was'

Brief Messages To A Victorious Nation Part 2 Do Not Be Divided - Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri

< Trends in the Global Jihad Movement - Comparison Between The Khilafa And The Followers Of Bagdhadi

Iran's 'Revolutionary Guard'...a Terror Group?!

A Comment On The Khilafa Debate: Between Ustadh Abdul Rahman and Abu Baraa

Tandheem ad-Dawlah And Their Claim They Received Ba'yah From Ahl Hal Wal 'Aqd

Advice from Sheikh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi to the Mujahideen in Shaam

Differences between AQ (Al-Qaida) and ISIS

Ramadan 2015 - China 'Bans Fasting' For Uighur Muslims: Al-Azhar Joins China's Ramadan Restriction Condemnations

Dialogue With Sheikh Abu Baseer At Tartousi (2)

Fatwa By Some Of The Scholars Of Jihad Regarding The IS Group’s Attack on the Mujahideen

Charlie Hebdo: This Attack Was Nothing To Do With Free Speech - It Was About War

France Mosques Targetted After Charlie Hebdo Blasphemy Killings: Paris Protests

ISIS Mocks Michelle Obama Boko Haram Twitter Hashtag #BringBackOurGirls With #BringBackOurHumvee: "There Is God Ooooo!"

Obama Shows Weakness And Hides Behind Congress; Russia Sees It As A Cowardice

Saudi Army Put On High Alert As Iranian Generals Threaten With Retaliatory Attack

Arundhati Roy Exposes 'Ahining' India: Treatise Captioned 'Capitalism - A Ghost Story'

Sheikh Ghayyats: Assad's Regime And Israel Conspire To Help Each Other

Israel Demolishes Historic Islamic Sites In Jerusalem

"Sea Of Hijabs" Flowing In The UK: Friends Of Multi-racial And Colour

Quran, Sahaba And the Shiites: Exposing The Shi'ites And Their Dogmas Kufr

The Sign Of Satan "Khomeini" Exposed From His Book "Kashaful Asrar"

10 Basic Logics To Shield Against Shi'ah: Dispelling The Aqeedah (Creed) Of Shiah

India Using Women As A Weapon Of War: George Galloway

Wanted By Shari'ah Court, For Crimes Against Muslims: The Anti-Islam

To Our People in Libya: Then Fight In God's Cause - By Sheikh / Abu Yahya al-Libi

Islamic Law Barbaric? Severe, Very Few, Outdated? Permanence

American-Yemeni Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki: "A Message to Those in the Field of Media"

Daniel Joseph Maldonado: Story Of An American True Believer From Kenyan Detention To Houston Prison

U.S. Raid On Syria: Why Now The Act Of Aggression Against Damascus?

Israel Unleashes 'Skunk Bomb': Sewage, Secret Ingredients

Iraq's Control Of Awakening Movement: Good Or Bad?

The IAEA's Difficult Mission To Syria's Mysterious Site: Low Expectations

How Long Will Gaza Truce Last? Lift Blockade And Doubts

Iraq's Control Of Awakening Movement: Good Or Bad?

Gaza's new massacre hampers Cairo truce talks: Troubled period in the occupied territories

Psychological torture: Israel's most common interrogation tactic - Zionists inhumane

What is the British army doing in Iraq? Civilian casualties, British role

U.S.-Iran stand-off: Mere American propaganda or prelude to war?

Iran nuclear boost: What's next after IAEA report on Iran?

Pentagon considering recruiting officials with criminal records

Saudi Arabian King Abdullah's visit cements UK-Saudi ties

In the face of oppression: Hope floats for West Bank school

Israel wants to wipe Palestinian village off the map

U.S. troops lure Iraqis to death - Tactic of atrocities

Why did Bush visit Iraq? His third visit since the invasion

Iraqis' lives unchanged by U.S. surge - situations get worse

Nothing can be done to killer mercenaries in Iraq

Killing Iraqi tribal figure Abu Reesha's deals major blow to the U.S.

Bilin: A liberating village unfolding story of Palestinian success

Iraqis' fight for survival continues in Syria

Uprising trial revives memories of U.S. betrayal

Eyes set on Iraq's political mess

Kidnapped workers building U.S. embassy in Baghdad

Iraqis losing optimism - affecting everything eve marriage

Washington's twisted approach towards Tehran

Bush war report sugar coats bitter reality

Hamas-Fatah struggle: A lose-lose situation

Iraqi orphans' ordeal: Who's to blame?

Who is responsible for second Samarra bombing?

40 years on, Middle East struggling to restore peace

Iran, U.S. locked in a new cold war?

What to expect after Iran-U.S. talks?

Why Ahmadinejad canceled UN appearance?

Taliban retuning to Afghanistan?

Israel settling scores with Hamas

Sending more troops to abuse Iraqis?

War-torn Iraq on the verge of collapse

Cheney again stalls diplomatic efforts with Iran

Iraq's violence eclipses Bush's "surge" - more US casualties

Rice breaks ice with Syria, what about Iran?

U.S. devalues Iraqi lives: Not as important as American lives - U.S. commanders say

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