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109. Surah Al-Kâfirân سورة الكافرون

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This Surah (Revealed) Meccan or Medinese, consisting of 6 verses; this was revealed when a band of idolaters said to the Prophet (s), âWhat if you worship our gods for one year, and we worship your God the next?â(Al-Kâfirân)
Ayah  109:1  الأية
بِسْم ِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Ayah First  1  الأية
Say: âO disbelievers!
Ayah  109:2  الأية
I do not worship, at present, what you worship, of idols,
Ayah  109:3  الأية
and you do not worship, at present, what I worship, and that is God, exalted be He, alone,
Ayah  109:4  الأية
nor will I worship, in the future, what you have worshipped,
Ayah  109:5  الأية
nor will you worship, in the future, what I worship: God knew that they would never become believers (the use of [the inanimate] mā, âwhatâ, to refer to God is meant to counter [the reference to âwhat thingâ they worship]).
Ayah  109:6  الأية
You have your religion, idolatry, and I have a religionâ, Islam: this was [revealed] before he was commanded to wage war [against the idolaters] (all seven Qurâānic readers omit the yāâ of the genitive possessive construction [in wa-liya dīni] whether with a pause or without; Yaâqūb, however, retains it in both cases).

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