This Surah (Revealed) Medinese, consisting of 11 verses.(Al-Munâfiqân)
Ayah 63:1 الأية
بِسْم ِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Ayah First 1 الأية
When the hypocrites come to you they say, with their tongues, in contradiction
of what is in their hearts: âWe bear witness that you are indeed the Messenger of God.â And God knows that
you are indeed His Messenger, and God bears witness, He knows, that the hypocrites truly are liars,
in what they conceal, that which is contrary to what they say.
Ayah 63:2 الأية
They have taken their oaths as a shield, as a [means of] protection for their
possessions and their lives, and so they have barred, thereby, from the way of God, that is, from using them for
the struggle. Evil indeed is that which they are wont to do.
Ayah 63:3 الأية
That, namely, their evil deed, is because they believed, by [affirming faith
only with] the tongue, then disbelieved, in [their] hearts, that is to say, they persist in harbouring
disbelief in it; therefore their hearts have been stamped, sealed, with disbelief. Hence they do not understand, faith.
Ayah 63:4 الأية
And when you see them, their figures please you, on account of their fairness;
and if they speak, you listen to their speech, because of its eloquence. [Yet] they are, by virtue of the
enormous size of their figures, [yet] in their lack of comprehension, like blocks of timber (read khushbun or
khushubun) [that have been] propped-up, set reclining against a wall. They assume that every cry, made, like
a battle-cry or one made to [retrieve] a lost camel, is [directed] against them, because of the [extent of]
terror in their hearts, lest something should be revealed deeming their blood licit. They are the enemy, so
beware of them, for they communicate your secrets to the disbelievers. May God assail them!, destroy
them! How can they deviate?, how can they be turned away from faith after the proofs [for it] have been
Ayah 63:5 الأية
And when it is said to them, âCome, offer apologies, and Godâs Messenger will
ask forgiveness for youâ, they twist (read lawwaw or lawū), they turn, their heads, and you see them turning
away, rejecting this [offer], disdainful.
Ayah 63:6 الأية
It will be the same for them, whether you ask forgiveness for them
(aâstaghfarta: the interrogative hamza here has taken the place of the conjunctive hamza) or do not ask forgiveness for
them: God will never forgive them. Indeed God does not guide the immoral folk.
Ayah 63:7 الأية
They are the ones who say, to their companions from among the Helpers: âDo not
expend on those who are with the Messenger of God, from among the Emigrants, until they scatter offâ,
until they part with him. Yet to God belong the treasuries of the heavens and the earth, with [what they
contain of] provision, and so He is the provider for the Emigrants and others, but the hypocrites do not
Ayah 63:8 الأية
They say, âSurely if we return, from the raid against the Banū al-Mustaliq, to
Medina, the powerful, by which they meant themselves, will [soon] expel from it the weakerâ, by which they
meant the believers. Yet [the real] might, victory, belongs to God and to His Messenger, and to the believers,
but the hypocrites do not 668 know, that.
Ayah 63:9 الأية
O you who believe, do not let your possessions and your children divert you,
distract you, from the remembrance of God, [from] the five prayers; for whoever does that â it is they
who are the losers.
Ayah 63:10 الأية
And expend, in alms, of that with which We have provided you before death comes
to any of you, whereat he will say, âMy Lord, if only (law-lā means hal-lā, âwhy [do You] notâ; or the
lā is extra and the law is optative) You would reprieve me for a short time so that I might give charity
(assaddaq: the original tāâ [of atasaddaqa] has been assimilated with the sād), that I might offer alms, and
become one of the righteous!â, by making the Pilgrimage. Ibn âAbbās, may God be pleased with both [him and his
father], said, âEvery person who has fallen short of [his duty regarding] alms and the Pilgrimage will
ask to be returned [to this world] at the moment of deathâ.
Ayah 63:11 الأية
But God will never reprieve a soul when its term has come. And God is Aware of
what you do (taâmalūna; also read [as the third person plural] yaâmalūna, âthey doâ).