This Surah (Revealed) Meccan, consisting of 23 or 25 verses.(Al-Inshiqâq)
Ayah 84:1 الأية
بِسْم ِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Ayah First 1 الأية
735 When the heaven is rent asunder,
Ayah 84:2 الأية
and heeds, gives ear to and, in rending itself asunder, obeys, its Lord as it
should, that is, as its duty is to heed and obey,
Ayah 84:3 الأية
and when the earth is stretched out, [when] its width is increased, just as a
piece of leather is stretched, so that no edifice or mountain remains upon it,
Ayah 84:4 الأية
and casts out all that is in it, of the dead, onto its surface, and empties
itself, thereof,
Ayah 84:5 الأية
and heeds, [and] in this respect, gives ear to and obeys, its Lord, as it
should: all of this will be on the Day of Resurrection (the response to idhā, âwhenâ, and [to] all that is supplemented
thereto, has been omitted; but it is indicated by what follows it, and is implied to be [something like]
laqiyaâl-insānu âamalahu, âman will encounter his deedsâ).
Ayah 84:6 الأية
O man! Verily you are labouring, exerting your efforts, toward, the encounter
with, your Lord, that is, death, laboriously, and you will encounter it, that is, you will encounter your
mentioned good or evil deeds on the Day of Resurrection.
Ayah 84:7 الأية
Then as for him who is given his book, the record of his deeds, in his right
hand â and this is the believer â
Ayah 84:8 الأية
he will receive an easy reckoning, which [simply] entails the presentation of
his deeds to him, as in the hadīth of the two Sahīhs [of Bukhārī and Muslim] â in which there is also [a
hadīth saying], âHe who is reckoned with at length, will be destined for perditionâ â and after this
presentation [of his deeds to the believer] he will be excused,
Ayah 84:9 الأية
and return to his family, in Paradise, joyful, because of it.
Ayah 84:10 الأية
But as for him who is given his book from behind his back â and this is the
disbeliever, whose right hand is chained to his neck and whose left hand, by which he is given the book, is
placed behind his back,
Ayah 84:11 الأية
he will pray, upon seeing what is in it, for annihilation, he will invoke
destruction against himself by saying: yā thabūrāh, âO annihilation [of mine]!â,
Ayah 84:12 الأية
736 and he will enter the Blaze, an intense fire (a variant reading [for yaslā, âhe
will enterâ] has yusallā, âhe will be admittedâ).
Ayah 84:13 الأية
Indeed among his folk, his clan, in the world, he used to be joyful, wanton,
lusting after his desires;
Ayah 84:14 الأية
indeed he thought that (an: softened in place of the hardened form, with its
subject omitted, that is to say, annahu) he would never return, to his Lord.
Ayah 84:15 الأية
Nay!, he will return to Him; indeed his Lord is ever Seer of him, knowing that
he would return to Him.
Ayah 84:16 الأية
So I swear (fa-lā: lā is extra) by the twilight (al-shafaq), the reddishness
visible in the horizon after the sunset,
Ayah 84:17 الأية
and [by] the night and what it envelops, [what] it brings together of creatures
and otherwise that have entered into it,
Ayah 84:18 الأية
and [by] the moon when it is at the full, and its light is complete, and this
happens during the nights of the full moon:
Ayah 84:19 الأية
you will surely journey (tarkabunna is actually tarkabūnanna, but the nūn of the
indicative has been omitted because of two identical letters following one another, and the wāw [is omitted]
because of two unvocalised consonants coming together), from stage to stage, state after state, namely,
death, then life, then what comes afterwards of the states at the Resurrection.
Ayah 84:20 الأية
So what is wrong with them, that is, the disbelievers, that they do not have
faith, that is to say, what is there to prevent them from [embracing] faith; or what argument do they have for
neglecting it despite the existence of proofs for it,
Ayah 84:21 الأية
and, what is wrong with them, that when the Qurâān is recited to them they do
not prostrate?, they [do not] submit by believing in it, given its inimitability?
Ayah 84:22 الأية
Nay, but the disbelievers deny, resurrection and other matters,
Ayah 84:23 الأية
and God knows best what they are amassing, accumulating in their scrolls, in the
way of disbelief, denial 737 and evil deeds.
Ayah 84:24 الأية
So give them good tidings, inform them, of a painful chastisement,
Ayah 84:25 الأية
except those who believe and perform righteous deeds: theirs will be an
unfailing reward, one that is unending, undiminished and not given to them in expectance of anything in