
85. Surah Al-Burâj سورة البروج


This Surah (Revealed) Meccan, consisting of 22 verses.(Al-Burâj)
Ayah  85:1  الأية
بِسْم ِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Ayah First  1  الأية
By the heaven of the constellations, the twelve constellations of the planets â as explained in [sūrat] alFurqān [Q. 25:61];
Ayah  85:2  الأية
and [by] the promised day, the Day of Resurrection;
Ayah  85:3  الأية
and [by] the witness, Friday, and the witnessed, the day of âArafa â that is how these three [elements] have been explained in hadīth: for the first one is âpromisedâ, the second one is âa witnessâ [that testifies] to deeds performed in it, while the third is âwitnessedâ by mankind and angels (the introductory [particle] of the response to the oath has been omitted, but is implied to be laqad, âverilyâ, [sc. laqad qutila ashābuâlukhdūd]):[85:4  الأية
perish, accursed be, the men of the ditch!, the pit in the ground,
Ayah  85:5  الأية
of the fire (al-nāri is an inclusive substitution of it [al-ukhdūdi, âof the ditchâ]), abounding in fuel, by which it was fuelled,
Ayah  85:6  الأية
when they sat by it, around the edge of the ditch on chairs,
Ayah  85:7  الأية
and they themselves, to what they did to those who believed, in God, in the way of torturing them by hurling [them] into the fire when they did not recant their faith, were witnesses, [they were themselves] present [thereat]. It is reported [in a hadīth] that God saved the believers who had been thrown into the fire by taking their souls before they fell into it, and that the fire then rose up and burnt all those [sitting] around it.
Ayah  85:8  الأية
And all that they were vindicative towards them of was that they believed in God, the Mighty, in His kingdom, the Praised, 738
Ayah  85:9  الأية
to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and God is Witness to all things, in other words, all that the disbelievers disavowed of the believers was their faith.
Ayah  85:10  الأية
Indeed those who persecute believing men and believing women, by having them burnt, then do not repent, there will be for them the chastisement of Hell, [in return] for their disbelief, and there will [also] be for them the chastisement of burning, that is to say, the chastisement for their having had the believers burnt, in the Hereafter; but it is also said [that there is this chastisement for them] in this world, as when the fire rose up and burnt them, as [mentioned] above.
Ayah  85:11  الأية
Indeed those who believe and perform righteous deeds, for them there will be gardens underneath which rivers flow: that is the supreme triumph.
Ayah  85:12  الأية
Assuredly your Lordâs assault, against the disbelievers, is severe, [as severe] as He will [it to be].
Ayah  85:13  الأية
Assuredly it is He Who originates, creation, and restores, and is never thwarted in what He wills,
Ayah  85:14  الأية
and He is the Forgiving, to sinning believers, the Loving, the One Who shows love to His friends through [His acts of] generosity,
Ayah  85:15  الأية
Lord of the Throne, its Creator and Possessor, the Glorious (read nominative al-majīdu), the One deserving of the perfect attributes of sublimity,
Ayah  85:16  الأية
Doer of what He desires, nothing able to thwart Him.
Ayah  85:17  الأية
Have you, O Muhammad (s), received the story of the hosts,
Ayah  85:18  الأية
Pharaoh and Thamūd? (Firâawna wa-Thamūda substitutes for al-junūdi) â the mention of âPharaohâ suffices to also include his followers; their âstoryâ is that they were destroyed for their disbelief, and this is meant as a warning for those who deny the Prophet (s) and the Qurâān, that they may be admonished [thereby].
Ayah  85:19  الأية
Nay, but the disbelievers are [engrossed] in denial, of the mentioned;
Ayah  85:20  الأية
739 and God is behind them, All-Encompassing â they have no protector against Him.
Ayah  85:21  الأية
Nay, but it is a glorious, a magnificent, Qurâān,
Ayah  85:22  الأية
in a tablet, suspended above the seventh heaven, preserved (read mahfūzin), from all devils and from having any of its contents altered; it is a high as the distance between the earth and the heaven, and as wide as the distance between the east and the west, made of white pearls â as stated by Ibn âAbbās, may God be pleased with both [him and his father, âAbbās

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