
90. Surah Al-Balad سورة البلد


This Surah (Revealed) Meccan, consisting of 20 verses.(Al-Balad)
Ayah  90:1  الأية
بِسْم ِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Ayah First  1  الأية
I swear (lā is extra) by this land, of Mecca,
Ayah  90:2  الأية
and you, O Muhammad (s), have free disposal of, sanction for, this land, in that you will be given permission to fight in it â and indeed God fulfilled this promise to him on the day of the Conquest [of Mecca] (thus this is a parenthetical statement intervening between that by which the oath has been sworn and that which is a supplement thereto).
Ayah  90:3  الأية
And [by] the begetter, that is, Adam, and that which he begat, that is, his descendants (mā, âthat whichâ, [actually] means man, âwhomâ).
Ayah  90:4  الأية
We certainly created man (al-insān: the generic noun) in travail, in [a state of] toil and hardship, struggling with the tribulations of this world and the calamities of the Hereafter.
Ayah  90:5  الأية
Does he suppose, does the strong man of Quraysh, namely, Abūâl-Ashadd b. Kalada, presume, on account of his strength, that (an: softened in place of the hardened form, its subject omitted, that is to say, annahu) no one will have power over him? Yet God has power over him.
Ayah  90:6  الأية
He says, âI have exhausted, in enmity of Muhammad (s), vast wealth!â, great [wealth], piles and piles of it.
Ayah  90:7  الأية
Does he suppose that (an, in other words, annahu) no one has seen him?, with regard to what he has expended to know the quantity thereof; God knows the quantity thereof; but it is not [in reality that much so as] to be considered a great amount, and [in any case] He will requite him for his evil conduct.
Ayah  90:8  الأية
748 Have We not given (an interrogative meant as an affirmative, in other words, âWe have [certainly] givenâ) him two eyes,
Ayah  90:9  الأية
and a tongue, and two lips,
Ayah  90:10  الأية
and guided him to the two paths?, [did We not] point out to him the path of good and that of evil?
Ayah  90:11  الأية
Yet why does he not assault the obstacle?, [why] does he [not] surmount it?
Ayah  90:12  الأية
And what will show you, [what will] make known to you, what the obstacle is?, that he is to surmount â intended to emphasise its enormity (this statement is a parenthetical one). He explains the way to surmount it by saying:
Ayah  90:13  الأية
the freeing of a slave, from bondage,
Ayah  90:14  الأية
or to give food on a day of hunger,
Ayah  90:15  الأية
to an orphan near of kin (maqraba means qarāba),
Ayah  90:16  الأية
or a needy person in misery (matraba: literally means] âclinging to the dust [turāb]â because of his poverty; a variant reading has two verbal nouns in place of the two verbs [fakka, âhe freedâ, and atâama, âhe fedâ], the first being in a genitive construction, fakku raqabatin, âthe freeing of a slaveâ, and the second with nunation, itâāmun, âto give foodâ, in which case there is an implied iqtihāmu before al-âaqaba, of which the said reading becomes the explication);
Ayah  90:17  الأية
while being (thumma kāna is a supplement to iqtahama, âhe assaultedâ; thumma is for the ordering of things to be mentioned) in other words, [what is meant is that] at the point of the assault he was: one of those who believe and enjoin one another to steadfastness, in [pursuing] obedience and in refraining from disobedience, and enjoin one another to compassion (marhama means rahma), towards creatures.
Ayah  90:18  الأية
Those, the ones described by the said attributes, are the ones of the right [side] (al-maymana means alyamīn).[90:19  الأية
749 But those who disbelieve in Our signs, they are the ones of the left [side] (al-mashâama means al-shimāl).
Ayah  90:20  الأية
Over them will be an enclosing Fire (read muâsada or mūsada), closed on top [of them].

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